Our dog is pretty tough, but she'll be inside for a while. This cold snap will be ridiculous.

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Do you want to build a snowperson?

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I love snow, in its place, which is on the other side of the world, in pictures or as part of a climate change disaster movie. These are the only acceptable venues for snow. As proof of my bias, has anyone ever said; lets get a six pack, hop into our shorts and spend the day at the snow? I rest my case.

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As a citizen of the Independent Sovereign Nation of Westralia, which, in our coldest winters, gets enough snow on Bluff Knoll to form a tiny snowman if we're lucky, and therefore having never seen snow in person in my life, snow always seems magical until people like Mr Lambright point out that it can get like this FOR MONTHS ON END AND YOU JUST HAVE TO LIVE WITH IT.

In Perth we're used to our weather being far more efficient:

Clouds: "Time for rain."

<Insert torrential downpour for 15 minutes>

Clouds: "Ok we're done now."

Also the cold thing, as you pointed out. I write this on a day where it hit 37 degrees in Perth (99 degrees for Mr Lambright)). Alien doesn't begin to cover it.

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My old man worked in Norway for three years in the 1980's. After that he swore that not so much as a snow flake would ever touch his head again. Nothing like slipping on a street on a sheet of frozen ice to realise that that whole winter wonderland schtick is just BS.

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Possibly 50 below here Friday morning with wind chill. I’ll trade you places Ifor a week if you want to shovel snow

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Our grandchildren in London had deep enough snow for a snow day. They made a snowman and now that the snow has gone, only a sad shrinking snowman remains.

Other than that, we hate snow.

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