Feb 26Liked by John Birmingham

We all know deep down that the decision was a wise one. But it doesn't diminish the pain of nostalgia. What you should have done was set it up in its own apartment in sydney or canberra so you could visit on those freezing autumn/winter 18 degree days on work trips.

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Feb 26Liked by John Birmingham

What good has marriage ever done? Even if there was an example, thousands even, they could never outweigh such a heinous crime.

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I had a white dinner jacket with matching white pointed shoes (laces on the sides) that somehow made the trip to the Op Shop without my knowledge. My wife assured me I was better off without them.

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Good grief. This is a crime against humanity.

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I admire the ambiguity in this response.

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A great loss JB. I had German great coat, loved it in winter had to give it away when it got too tight, across the shoulders not the belly before the remarks come in. Still miss it and now it'd probably fit.

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I feel this.

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I too had a beloved leather jacket in the 80s . Big craze after Top Gun. I had enough stuff to start my own vintage clothing store. But alas marriage dashed that dream . I managed to buy a new one but it’s never the same. Like going back to your hometown . I did manage to salvage some 501 Levi’s but they’re a tad tight now.

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There should be a Support Group.

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