Jul 1, 2023Liked by John Birmingham

Grateful to hear about these insights, especially since I didn't have to go through the hard stuff to learn it.

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by John Birmingham

this has given me more motivation to moving those stumps around the block. As long as i do it by hand in a wheelbarrow i figure its about as good as a gym yeah? :) I'm in that 95kg really should be 80 something bracket but have stayed right away from running. I've just got myself a macro lens to add to the kit so i really should just carry all the equipment wherever i go and call it strength training :)

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Well done man. 15% body fat is a great result. I’ve been on the same yo-yo as you by the sounds of it, I barely get down to 20% at the bottom of the cycle.

Maybe you should bring back the “JB is my (health) master” tagline.

Instead of subscribing to you raging into the void we could subscribe you raging directly at us (zoom call anyone) about our protein and workout needs?

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This is a huge achievement, congratulations! Especially after that horror episode with the medieval lung problem.

Have you considered trying Pilates as a supplement to your strength training? It's low impact cardio combined with strength training that will have you weeping in gratitude at the end of your first lesson (weeping in gratitude that it's over and you survived obvs).

Apparently there's an entire TikTok sub genre of Pilates girls taking their gym obsessed boyfriends to a reformer class with the sole objective of recording Mr Gym Boyfriend strutting into the class thinking he'll crush it, and then the schadenfreude enjoyed by Ms Pilates as he discovers what a terrible mistake he's made in underestimating the penchant the "weaker sex" has for masochism and self torture.

I realise I've just done a terrible job of selling this to you but it's totes worth trying. Anna Spargo-Ryan has been crushing 25 and 30 day Pilates challenges on Twitter if you need inspo.

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hell yeah, that's awesome! How good are those endorphins after a decent lift too?!

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Yon grog is bad for carbs, but worse for the decisions you make when you had one or five, vis a vis; cheese and ham toastie instead of the salad.

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