It’s amazing that when you see creative genius ... athletes, writers , musicians , standup comics.....they make it look effortless. The truth is of course that you find out they all work and practice their ssses off. The ability to create is a talent. Doesn’t amount to shit without the work
It’s amazing that when you see creative genius ... athletes, writers , musicians , standup comics.....they make it look effortless. The truth is of course that you find out they all work and practice their ssses off. The ability to create is a talent. Doesn’t amount to shit without the work
It’s amazing that when you see creative genius ... athletes, writers , musicians , standup comics.....they make it look effortless. The truth is of course that you find out they all work and practice their ssses off. The ability to create is a talent. Doesn’t amount to shit without the work
What about the bit where you fuck around for an hour just to make it appear less effortless?
Ixnay on the ucking-around-fay