I was on Facebook the other, checking my messages, because some people just can’t quit that place (yes, I know, I should quit that place too, but my messages!).
I saw this post by former Brisbane alderman, turned full time artist David Hinchcliffe. A paint off!
It’s a time-lapse video in its original form, and weirdly compelling content. Because you can see what’s happening.
As soon as I saw it, however, I flashed back to something I hadnt thought of in years. This weird dude who somehow got my contacts and for about 6 months bugged the shit out of me to commit to his grand plan of staging a sort of pub-based authorial cage wrestling match in Sydney. The idea was that five or six big-name writers would, er, write some shit in front of an audience or something, and then read it.
I just couldn’t make him understand that no writer would agree to this because we would all instantly seize up as soon as the clock started. And nobody would want to watch a bunch of complete numpties having a nervous breakdown in front of a blank screen.
I can’t remember what it was that finally killed this idea. I might have even agreed to do it just to stop him pestering me. But something killed it, thank God.
and here i was thinking that authorial cage match was the only reason you have been training in judo. lol
Tough sell. Snoozapalooza